Sunday, February 27, 2011

Birthday to come

This year we're planning on actually having a birthday party for Caleb's third birthday. Okay, so it's mostly just going to be a birthday dinner with a few friends, but I'm getting excited about it. I've been looking at ideas online and found something that I think will be perfect for the cake!

You can find it at this URL:
The link wasn't working, so you'll have to copy and paste.

I also want to make one of those edible floral arrangements as part of the meal. You know where you have different fruits on skewers--cantaloupe, honey dew, strawberries, grapes and the pineapple cut into the shape of a flower.

We'll see how everything turns out!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Saddened joy

Why is it so hard to simply enjoy something that should be a happy occasion? Recently I attended the baptism of a boy whose father passed away about a year ago. The baptism is a very special time for members of our church and the ordinance is often performed by the father. Of course there was a family friend there to perform the ordinance, but it made me think of the sadness behind the joy--that his dad wasn't there for his special occasion.

Of course, at times like these I always think of the opportunities that I am missing with Caleb. I find SO much JOY in watching my daughter each day. To see her facial expressions, to see her soak up knowledge, to realize the little quirks that she has already developed, to see her milestones and new accomplishments...the list could go on and on. I love it! But I'm sad that I haven't got to see Caleb going through these same things, and even more sad that I don't get to see the two of them interact with each other--to watch them grow up together, to see them being best friends one second and enemies the next, to see them learn from each other.

However, it does help me to appreciate my daughter more, especially when I'm running out of patience or we've had a rough day.